Thursday, 24 May 2007

"Being a Clutch Student" for Dummies

After racing against time to finish up on my revision for my 2nd year finals, I now consider myself a bit of an expert in the art of last-minute revision. Do not let anyone fool you into thinking it's not the right thing to do.

Naturally, there are perks in doing things at the eleventh-hour, namely, information not having the time to escape you. We all know what it feels like to revise 2 months before the exams and not remembering a thing a week before the papers. You'll be pleased to find out that last-minute revision eliminates that possibility; allowing you to read away without fear.

That's not all, last minute revision also gives you that warm self-satisfaction of knowing that you "could have done a lot better had you not procrastinated", hence, feeling a lot smarter than you really are. Consider it a little mental cushion to fall back on if you bomb your exams badly.

I've picked up a lot of pointers during my past week of speed-scanning module chapters and undergoing the delicate process of trying to master Solid Mechanics III in 2 days. Regarding the latter, I am happy to announce that I think I did myself justice in there. It's a totally different story for Fluid Mech however, but hey you know what, I could have done a lot better had I not procrastinated!

You just have to love the idea of reading up your study materials the night before your exams. That adrenaline rush of knowing you're in deep shit hours before a paper cannot be had anywhere else. This definitely has to be at the top of the list for any thrill-seekers out there.

Any nerdy newbies who are interested in indulging in some procrastination of their own will do well to follow some of the guidelines I am about to recommend. During this 2 week ordeal, I've compiled my very own TOP 5 tips for last-minute revision and midnight-oil burning and they are as follows:

Please, for the love of God:

i) D

ii) O

iii) N

iv) '

v) T

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go sit in a corner and lick my examination wounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sigh i started studying 2 weeks ago n my exams start next wednesday...

yet this is the earliest i have started studying before an exam in my entire life...

hope i dont have to lick my wounds after mine(i am a very optimistic person).