Thursday, 13 December 2007

Hypothetical Question of the Week

You are 40 years old and have worked very hard to reach where you are in life. For some reason unexplainable, you decided to liquidate all your assets and then proceed to withdraw your life savings, every single cent of it, from the bank.

Now you went to withdraw it with your mother, and just before she was able to step into the car, two robbers (or more, its pretty irrelevant) grab her, put a gun to her head and ask you to hand over everything.

Unbeknownst to them however, your mother has a fatal condition and would have died the following day anyway. Hey, I never said this was going to make any sense.

So the obvious question is would you choose to:

A) give them what they want so your mother can live another 15 odd hours


B) ignore them. Tough choice but you have half of your life more to go through and hey, it ain't cheap staying alive.

Answers in the comments section please.


joeyk86 said...

rationally I would go for the money but I am irrational so Mum for me :P

Anonymous said...

'For some reason unexplainable, you decided to liquidate all your assets and then proceed to withdraw your life savings'

In first place, I am 40 years old but still dumb enough to put all eggs into a basket? what's more absurd is withdrawing all the cash..since the Q is pretty absurd, the absurdity can even go as far as they find a cure for my mum's condition within 15 hours.

so in the context of this absurd Q, bye money..I chose mum.

CM said...

joo yee!: Haha, yeah. I would say Mum but if she yells out "forget about me" I would go for the money!

wan: Well, it's called hypothetical for a reason. Hehe..