Friday, 26 November 2010

On a new adventure..

So I’m typing this on a plane en route to Taiwan. Air Asia’s Premium Economy class is fantastic by the way. I don’t think I can ever go back to bog-standard Economy ever again. I’ll write about how awesome it was in a separate post complete with pictures. It’s freaking ace!

I had mixed feelings about this trip and still do actually. For one, I’m not sure how well I’d be able to cope travelling and staying alone in a non-English primary speaking country. During the UK trip the last time, I went over with some friends and I knew of others who were studying there as well so it was a little easier to adapt away from home. This time, I’ll be heading there without knowing a single person in the entire bloody country. Fuck me..

However, I’ve talked myself into doing this as a character building exercise. I know it’s hardly Zimbabwe that I’m going to but I think it will be a very enriching experience if I focus on the positives. Besides, there’s some serious work to be done when I’m there so there should be ample distractions.

Socializing is going to be interesting. I’m very comfortable socializing in English but not so much in Mandarin, much less Taiwanese Mandarin. I have no idea how outgoing or friendly the people there will be like or if I’ll have much time for a social life. I promised myself I’ll make time during the weekends though but I can foresee some lonely meals for the first week at least.

Still, this research attachment should provide for plenty of interesting anecdotes later in life and really, staying in an Eastern country for an extended period of time is definitely a sort of stepping-into-the-unknown thing for me. I know of at least 2 people from work who genuinely would like to swap places with me and would do so without a moment’s hesitation so I think I should definitely extract the best out of the situation.

Besides, when I take a step back and look at it, how wimpy does it sound for a full grown adult (I am one, right?) to be all nervous and scared about a relatively short 4 month stay in a pretty developed country (not so sure about the place I’ll be at, though)

All the new customs, culture and culinary experience to be had. This should be a good one. To an enjoyable and fruitful stay ahead!! *clinks wine glass*

P/S: I’m not asking for much. Just give me a single room and my own bathroom and I’ll be bloody overjoyed!